Emiliano Gomez
An Elegy for Middle America
young innocence will smell big orange gourds experience not long enough for words
in autumn's cascade windchime's quietesse inflects tears toward the holiday's largesse
for yes the chimes have turned to rust and dust amongst the felled the falling leaves of must
of had-to-be our late-night lives contrived at dusk precluding us to convivive
when palpitating past the point of no return the anger only years can know
untethered morning chirps the beats of freedom near diagonal neon streets
lead on memories in temperate winds pierced by convincing melodies for kin
an armour smelt to sheaths are skins our vision no one knows and seethes
which only one can use which don't run out
the path crisp light of doubt
Emiliano Gomez attends the MFA for Poetry at the University of Notre Dame, is a contributing writer at the Cleveland Review of Books, and has received support from the California Arts Council. A chapbook of Townies was a finalist for the DIAGRAM/New Michigan Press chapbook contest. His work has been published in or is forthcoming from Acentos Review, ballast, Barzakh, Breakbread, Broadkill Review, Indolent Books, and mercuryfirs.