Eric Abalajon, “It Starts By Showing How They Crossed The Border” and “Union Busting”
Gale Acuff, “I tell my Sunday School teacher after” and “I sin a lot so I'll go to Hell when”
Emily Bilman, “Barrier-Skin”
Michael Borth, “The Acacia In The Burnt Grass”
Jace Brittain, “Sibyl, a diptych (1982)” and “Cowed! (1974): Jean Seberg, in her final American screen role, as Tex Panthallow……”
Maryann Corbett, “Storybook Ghazal”
John Davis, “Butterfly People”
Matt Dennison, “Father Wasp”
Jason Emde, “one hour to the hereafter’s deepest music”
Howie Good, “A Parable”
AN Grace, “a field guide in staccato”
Whit Griffin, from Silsila (Book Two of the Cywanu Trilogy)
[jp/p], “may you be unbroken” and “her furry — under — downy duvet”
J-T Kelly, “Eldad and Medad”
Rogan Kelly, “The Bromeliad Dying” and “Beeline”
Jahan Khajavi, “Canzone: Jahan is Round” and “Found Ghazal: Machine”
Richard Kostelanetz, from Fourthouroboros
BEE LB, “following a trail to its end”
Daniel Lehan, three poems from RSPB Book of Garden Birds Erasure
Amit Majmudar, “Hymn to Kali”
DS Maolalai, “The dead squirrel” and “Kicking back to piano and cards”
Stephen Mead, “Pilgrim Tide”
Ivan de Monbrison “[There’s a dead man in the garden left there]”
Nweke Benard Okechukwu, “stateless” and “Deadheading in Late January”
Robert Oventile, “California Dodder”
Mykyta Ryzhykh, "[kisses of those kissed by a shell]”
Rikki Santer, “Sway of Perennial”
Kimberly Swendson, “Which Once Was Human”
Scarlett Wardrop, “encapsulation.” and “encapsulation II.”
Renee Yaseen, “Every Girl Becomes []”
Jane Zwart, “The Unreal” and “The Great Descenders”
Dialogues — two poets in conversation
Voices — poets reading their own work
Scarlett Wardrop reads encapsulation. and encapsulation II.
cover image provided by Daniel Lehan
“Bird Image” from RSPB Book of Garden Birds Erasure