Issue 1.2
S. T. Brant, “Before Consciousness (Tranströmer I),” “Individual (Tranströmer V),” and “Eternity’s Unraveling (Tranströmer VI)”
Raphael Edookue, “Nothing Slits Here”
Alexander Etheridge, “Night’s Valley”
Ken Goodman, “secret mantra does it best”
KJ Hannah Greenberg, “Invention”
Adam Haver, “Mississippi May”
Charles Hensler, “Versions of Stars Arriving Late”
John Jeffire, “The Liver Is the Cock’s Comb”
Luke Johnson, “Sweetheart”
Stephen Kampa, “What Strikes Him” and “Quarterly Report on Volunteer Participation”
Mercedes Lawry, “The Least”
Nathan Leshley, “Ballad of Leipsig”
Leslie Lindsay, “Crevasse”
Shannon Lise, “So Many Times I Have Kept Moving When I Wanted to Stay”
Brandon Menke, “Leather Idol,” “Fleet June,” and “Ulticrostic”
Ann E. Michael, “Depth Cognition in a Rainy Season”
Chidozie Okonkwo, “elegy for water”
Alexander Pepple, “Zookeeper’s Zone”
Elizabeth Porter, “Trespassing Notice”
Don Reese, “Collected Works”
Jon Riccio, “At the Nunnery-Nursery”
Jacob Riyeff, “redwood lune” and “The Night Heron’s Call”
Alina Stefanescu, “Mysterium, As Engraved on Pope’s Tiara until the Reformation” and “The Octave’s Creation Myth”
Nam Hoang Tran, “The Acoustics of Clicks and Echoes”
Megan Wildhood, “The Nearest Exit May Be Behind You”
Dylan Willoughby, “I Miss the Ligurian Bees”
Haleigh Yaspan, “Essential Divisions” and “Charring”
Vincent Zepp, “Unum Saltum Et Siffletum Et Unum Bumbulum”
Voices — poets reading their own work
Jacob Riyeff reads “redwood lune”