Issue 2.3
“All of That Is Gathered for the Birds”
“At Dusk On Cherry Beach”
”Joy of Life”
“All My Fears Now Are For My Daughter: A Sestina”
“july horoscope”
“This Is Not a Love Poem”
“Skin Deep In What We Cannot Own”
“Warning for the Angry”
“Why Don’t You Write About Me?”
“Hymn for Stained Glass”
Cho Ji Hoon translated by Sekyo Haines:
“Mountain Room”
“Body Language”
“Scene of Saint Martin: Monostich Catalogue”
“Poem in Waiting”
”Object Permanence”
Roelof ten Napel trans. by Judith Wilkinson:
“Prayer with Hands”
“What the Baha’i Boy Said to the Platypus”
“What the Platypus Said to the Baha’i Boy”
from The Greenland
from Crude (#6, 7, 8)
“Ode to the Mortician’s Good Intentions”
Amelia Rosselli trans. by Roberta Antognini and Deborah Woodard:
from Document
“Sunrising from the Mind” IX, XI, XVII
Dialogues — two poets in conversation
Katie Beswick & Paula Reed Nancarrow
Taylor Franson-Thiel & Erica Anderson-Senter
Voices — poets reading their own work
Katherine Chiemi reads “refinements”
Chris McCreary reads “Bode”
Anoushka Kumar reads “Poem in Waiting”
Isabel Balee reads “Joy of Life”